How S/MIME Works
Digital Signature:
- The signature is generated with a private key and authenticated using the public key
- The public key/certificate is transmitted with the S/MIME protected email
- When the recipient opens the email, the public key verifies the signature
- Every time you create and sign an email, your private key applies your unique Digital signature into your message
- The sender must have access to the recipients S/MIME certificate
- Content is encrypted using a public key and can only be decrypted with the private key
- SSL/TLS provides an encrypted tunnel through which the email is sent
- S/MIME encrypts the email message
Three Levels of Validation:
- Individual—requires phone call, government issued ID and a valid email address, the certificate identifies an individual's name
- Role within an organization—requires a phone call, valid legal existence of the organization and verified employment, these certificates identify the individual and organization name
- Organization—requires a phone call to the Organization representative and Key Custodian, a valid legal existence of the organization and email domain, this certificate identities the organization name
Server and Client OS Compatibility
Trusted by all major mail clients, browsers and mobile devices, such as:
- Client OS: Mac OS X, Snow Leopard, Windows 7, Vista, Xp, 2000, Linux Client OS.
- Server OS: Windows Server 2008, 2003, 2000, Linux, UNIX, Solaris, Novell, etc.
- Web Server: Microsoft IIS 7, IIS6, Apache, Tomcat, IBM HTTP, Weblogic, Cobalt.
- E-Mail Servers: Netscape Communicator 4.51+, Microsoft Outlook 99+, Microsoft Entourage (OS/X), Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0+, Qualcomm Eudora 6.2+,
Lotus Notes (6+)
S/MIME Deployment Reinvented
Sectigo's Zero-Touch S/MIME is the first and only solution that integrates directly with Microsoft Active Directory to automate issuance and deployment of S/MIME certificates across an entire organization.
- Deploys thousands of S/MIME certificates instantly
- Installation is automated, no going device by device
- Easily enroll new employees and revoke departing ones
- Automate renewals and key rotations
Historically, the only barrier to adoption with S/MIME certificates was the tedium involved in deploying them all and managing them across large networks. Not anymore. Sectigo's Zero-Touch S/MIME reduces thousands of installations down to just a few clicks.
Contact us for a demo and see how simple implementing S/MIME can be!